Results of Opti-Soft's participation in the largest industry exhibition PulpFor-2023

The largest meeting of enterprises and specialists of the pulp and paper, timber processing, packaging industry and the sanitary and hygienic types of paper industry with suppliers of equipment and services took place in St. Petersburg from November 14 to 16, 2023.
250 participating companies and more than 7000 visitors gathered at the PulpFor-2023 exhibition.
Opti-Soft traditionally took part in this large-scale industry event, where it presented its production planning and management systems for CBP: Opti-Corrugated - for enterprises producing corrugated packaging, Opti-Paper - for enterprises producing paper and cardboard, Opti-Loading – for managing the shipment of products.
During these three active days, we managed to hold negotiations, take part in a Business program, make a report on import substitution and moderate the section "Digitalization and Automation".
The subject of our pride is the receipt of the only industry International PulpFor Awards–2023 in Russia in the nomination "IT systems, automation and digitalization for the Central Bank".
Opti-Soft thanks the Export Support Center of the Republic of Karelia / for help in organizing participation in the exhibition!

250 participating companies and more than 7000 visitors gathered at the PulpFor-2023 exhibition.
Opti-Soft traditionally took part in this large-scale industry event, where it presented its production planning and management systems for CBP: Opti-Corrugated - for enterprises producing corrugated packaging, Opti-Paper - for enterprises producing paper and cardboard, Opti-Loading – for managing the shipment of products.
During these three active days, we managed to hold negotiations, take part in a Business program, make a report on import substitution and moderate the section "Digitalization and Automation".
The subject of our pride is the receipt of the only industry International PulpFor Awards–2023 in Russia in the nomination "IT systems, automation and digitalization for the Central Bank".
Opti-Soft thanks the Export Support Center of the Republic of Karelia / for help in organizing participation in the exhibition!